Welcome to Crazy for Dogs!
Sirius of the Week
Suede is a lab mix, who lives with her person-dad and
person-mom, brother, sister, and two cats and a Chihuahua-rat-terrier
mix puppy, Stevie. A co-worker of Suede's person-dad found her and
3 other puppies abandoned on the side of the road.
Suede likes riding in the car, going for walks and playing with
squeaky toys. Her humans are training her to catch frisbees and to
fetch. She also likes sleeping next to her dad.
Visit all our Previous Stars of the Week
(Sirius == the Dog Star). Share your dog's story...Email us your dog's photo and
short biography today!
Don't forget to stop by next week to see our new Star -- press Control-D
to bookmark this site.
Previous Siriuses... If your dog has already been a star of the week,
feel free to send *NEW* pictures to share. We'd be happy to put them
on the homepage for others to enjoy.
Looking for a new dog? Consider adoption: Why Should You Adopt a Pet This Black Friday?
Should students have pets in college? -- read about the pros and cons.
When dogs aren't sleeping, eating, or hanging out, one thing they might do is
chase cats.... See why!

Tinkerbelle, on the right, hanging out with Baby
Have you ever wondered
how much dogs sleep?
From the Crazy for Dogs mailbox: Faris is a professional artist who specializes in drawing and painting pet portaits
(as well as humans) at
Faty Art. Here is an example:

Faty Art
Beware of Internet Puppy Scams: Unfortunately, unscrupulous people have been sending emails offering to sell pedigree puppies (bulldogs, pugs, and others). Similar phony websites are also on the web. These emails and websites are fake. They are designed to cheat you out of your money either by never sending you the puppy or by sending you a different dog from what you paid for. Your best bet: If you want a purebred, contact a local breed-specific rescue group. Or if you just want a new best friend, save a life from your local animal pound.
T-Shirts and Sweatshirts for Dog Lovers
More styles and dog breeds here...
Say "No!" to puppy mills through
these CafePress products...
A visit from Matthew (November 1999):
 Just a little puppy
A visit from Meghan (June 2002):
 I'm an Irish Terrier Copyright 2002, T. De Luca
How good is your memory? Your powers of
observation? Your concentration? Find out by playing our
Do you know the name of the "butterfly" dog? Do you know your sighthounds?
Would you enjoy a little puzzle hunt around this site? If yes,
try our puzzle!
(The puzzle opens in a new window so you can still access the rest of this
site easily.)
Word Scrambles games. Can you unscramble the words?
Crazy for Dogs
WordSearch Game!
Looking for information on dog parks? Try searching through this
dog park guide.
How many dogs do you have? Please take our poll:
The Daily Dog:
Your guide to caring for, understanding and loving your dog! Check it out!
Dear site visitors: If your dog ever has a medical problem or emergency,
PLEASE take him/her to the veterinarian right away. Professional help should
always be your first choice and should be made without delay.
The friend you've been waiting for is at your local animal shelter.
No more homeless pets! Adopt a shelter pet. Get started by
visiting PetFinder.com.
IMPORTANT! If you haven't had your dog checked for heartworms, call your
veterinarian and make an appointment today! Heartworms are fatal -- but can
be easily prevented. Do your dog -- and yourself -- a kindness... have your dog
checked right away.
It appears that dogs can develop renal failure from
eating grapes and raisins. So, to be on the safe side, do not give your
dog grapes or raisins as treats. You can read more at these links:
Grape/Raisin FAQ.
And from the ASPCA, regarding hazardous foods in general:
Foods That Are Hazardous to Dogs. Woof Wise also has an article about
dangerous household items.
Animal Poison Control 24-hour hotline: 1-888-426-4435
Please consider donating to help animals. There are many good organizations, but here are two:
ASPCA -- 1-800-628-0028
Humane Society of the United States -- 1-866-720-2676
Search this site:
Want to shop online? Check out these
online shopping tips.
Test your dog knowledge -- take our
Some Dog Facts
- In the wild, a mother dog's pack-mates, possibly her own mother, or sisters, but any female, will help her with the puppies, and bring her food. A domesticated dog has a human pack to help.
- Of the over 100 breeds recognized by the AKC, only 8 originate in the United States.
- In the 17th century, the German Short-haired Pointer was prized by German nobility and by poachers (the latter for the dogs' night-time hunting skills).
- The Pekingese is one of the oldest breeds in the world and originated in China.
- Dogs can see color, but not nearly as well as we can. The reason is because the dog's eye has considerably smaller ratio of cones to rods in their retinas. Cones enable color vision; rods are useful for black and white vision in dim light.
- The ancestors of the Japanese Chin are believed to have been introduced into Japan in the 8th century B.C.
- "Withers" = The highest point on a dog's body (except for the head), it is located behind the neck.
- The Samoyed originated on the Artic Steppes of Siberia and were bred to be sled dogs and herders of reindeer