Dog Ears:
- The carriage of the ears is a fundamental breed
characteristic, but the final, breed, form will not develop for
a few months after birth.
- All dogs share the basic anatomy of the ear -- the outer ear or
auricle, the ear canal, the eardrum, and the tympanic cavity.
- But the ears have different shapes and postures based upon the
breed. The following are some of the different ear shapes.
- Erect, pointed ears shaped like isosceles triangles: German
Shepherd, Akita, Alaskan Malamute.
- Erect, blunt-tipped ears shaped like equilateral triangles:
Chow Chow.
- Erect, bat ears, set high on the head: Boston Terrier, Welsh Corgi,
French Bulldog.
- Dropped ears, hanging folded: Weimaraner, Bloodhound.
- Dropped ears, hanging flat: Poodle.
- Rose ears (curled around), set well back: Whippet.
Source: The Reader's Digest Illustrated Book of Dogs,
2nd ed.,
The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York, 1993,
pp. 36-37.