Yumega - The Natural Supplement
Yumega is a cat and dog supplement that can improve your pet's health and accordingly
its quality of life. They offer excellent supplements at affordable prices, essential in these
tough economic times, which can treat a number of your pet's conditions; from
dry skin
and moulting to joint pain and dental care.
The most impressive part of Yumega is its sourcing. It is completely natural, sourced from
the highest quality golden flax and starflower seed. The quality is so high that a lot of
produce doesn't pass the stringent examination process that has to be undertaken before
passing the product on to be made. This disciplined approach to producing supplements
means that only the highest quality is put into the Yumega product, which in turn ensures
that your pet receives the highest amount of nutritional nourishment for your money. In
much the same process as filtering extra virgin olive oil, no chemical enhancers are added
when making the oil. This enables all the natural nutrients to be retained, which makes the
product tastier for the dog as well as better for it.
Many customers I have spoken to have nothing but praise to heap on the Yumega product.
One friend said her 13 year old Collie has been given a 'new lease of life', free from
agonising joint pain. My own personal pet has been taking the supplements for months.
She has dramatically decreased the amount of
hair loss
and scratching which keeps me
happy as well as her. She is noticeably more playful and energetic since being on the
supplements. Fellow dog owners have stopped me in the street to comment on how
beautiful and healthy my dog's coat is. I recommend them Yumega and the company's
other products, just as I am recommending them to you now.