Royalty Passing
by Uncle Bear
Have you ever seen a regal pup? I have. His name is Robert Winston
Barnett Taylor. "Robert" is in reference to the actor Robert Redford,
"Winston" was chosen in honor of the British statesman and Prime
Minister Sir Winston Churchill. Both "Barnett" and "Taylor" are family
names. Even with that linage he still answers to "Robbie."
Like all miniature schnauzers, Robbie exhibits the authoritative
schnauzer "Don't mess with me" pace. This little dog doesn't lollygag like
some of his larger cousins do. No, he's on a mission. As he strides past my
door, with owner in tow, I watch him with both awe and admiration. While
Robbie will never pick a fight, he'll never back down from one either.
Therefore, Robert Winston Barnett Taylor, I salute you. With your attitude
and spirit I know you're capable of teaching old dogs new tricks.
Uncle Bear is a writer and researcher in North Carolina. He can be reached through: