Sirius of the Week for May 2 - 8, 2004
Our submitter writes,
"My dog Teeka is a spoiled little 9 pound Min Pin Jack Russell Mix
(Jack Pin we call it), who was in a calendar of puppies (one for each
day) when she was the appropriate age. She is so full of energy, spunk and love.
During the summer she enjoys basking in the sun and in the winter
she loves to prance around in her purple sweater. Being smaller than
our 2 cats doesn't bother her at all, when she sees our cats
scratching on the furniture she goes after them to get them to
stop. Her funny little quirk is when she is eating, she carries a
few pieces of kibble from the bowl to the middle of the floor and
then eats, and goes back to do the same thing until she is done."
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