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Copyright 1999-2018 by crazyforDOGS (SM)

Sirius of the Week for Jan. 30 - Feb. 5, 2000.

Fenris -- also known as Fenny, the Fenster-Monster, and Wiggle-Butt -- is as dumb as a box of rocks, but it doesn't matter because he is utterly adorable and the sweetest little monster in the world. He's nearly 3 years old, but a perpetual puppy. Technically, he's a miniature long-haired dachshund because both his parents were miniatures, but he's so big he's considerably over the breed standard weight for a miniature. It's impossible to see because of his long fur, but the end of his tail is crooked -- it makes a right angle turn near the tip. This is why his mom has him -- she's a sucker for those little crooked tails! He knows how to use that tail, too, and when he wags his tail (actually his whole butt, which is where the nickname comes from), he wags so hard he whacks his sides with the end of his tail.

He lives with Grendel and Hydra, two other long-haired dachshund "siblings." His favorite game is "Kill da bunny!" in which you throw a stuffed toy, and he runs after it, grabs it, gives it the Dreaded Doxie Death Shake to kill it, and -- in an astonishing behavior for a dachsund -- brings it back to you, to throw again. (His mom has never met another dachshund that would actually bring back any thrown object -- they'll bring it partway back, then wait for you to come chase them.)

His other favorite game is "Wild Dog!" in which, when the mood strikes him, he suddenly runs madly up and down the hall or around and around the greatroom or back and forth across the yard, until he's exhausted.

Fenris is a dishrag. Pick him up and he just melts into your arms. You can lay him across your shoulder, around your neck, hold him upside down or on his back -- he's the incredible boneless dachshund. As long as he's being held, he doesn't care what you do to him. He's happy.

His most peculiar character trait: if he has to go out, and his mom happens to be in the shower when he decides this, he jumps up on the edge of the bathtub and lies there until she gets out. Once he's up there, he doesn't whine or bark or do anything else to indicate that he needs to go out. He just lies there waiting. And he ONLY does it when he has to go out -- no other time.

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